Time management integration with the access control system
In April 2012 the integration of the Time Management application with the access control system based on magnetic card was finalized. The integration was accomplished through the development of automatic and synchronized tasks through:
- Output from the access control system is transferred daily on a ftp server
- Data from the ftp server is transferred daily to the Time Management system based on business rules established with the client
- Authorized persons are notified via e-mail regarding import errors from the Time Management system
The integration modality can be applied for each access control system. The communication interface format is established with the system developer and the business rules for data processing in the application Time Management are defined within the implementation stage.
Descopera colorful.hr
Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent
- Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
- Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
- Administrare de personal
- Rapoarte si statistici HR
- Dosarul electronic al angajatului
- Recrutare angajati si management personal