The Laws regarding the state budget and the social security state budget were published
Law no. 5 regarding state budget for 2013 financial year has been published in the Official Gazette no. 106 from February 22nd, 2013.
The health insurance contribution rates remain unchanged for 2013 year, the individual rate remaining 5,5% and the employer rate remains 5,2%.
Law no. 6 regarding the social security state budget for 2013 financial year has been published in the Official Gazette no. 107 from February 22nd, 2013.
The average gross salary gain used for substantiation of the social security state budget for 2013 financial year is RON 2,223.
The mandatory social security contributions for 2013 year remain the one provided by the article 296^18 paragraph (3) from the Law no. 571/2003 regarding Fiscal Code.
There are no clarifications brought regarding the applicability of the average gross salary gain used at the computation of the social security contribution.
The state budget and the social security state budget were published on Friday, February 22nd, effective February 25th, 2013 and the law does not mention if the provisions are applicable retroactively, in consequence clarifications regarding the date on which the average gross salary gain enter in force – January or February 2013 are expected.
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