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Panfoods Romania selects the payroll and personnel administration outsourcing services provided by Romanian Software

de | January 24, 2013

Panfoods Romania is sole importer of Amigo brand in Romania, the second biggest coffee producer in Brazil, present on the Romanian market for 28 years. Panfoods Romania holds a production and wrapping unit for Amigo soluble coffee in Romania.

Panfoods Romania collaborates with Romanian Software since 2009, as user of “Sal – Your Payroll Expert” payroll software and beneficiary of the support and maintenance services.

The trusting relationship developed during the existent collaboration determined Panfoods Romania to take the decision to outsource the payroll and personnel administration practices towards Romanian Software and to benefit from the advantages that Romanian Software offers to its payroll and personnel outsourcing beneficiaries.

Romanian Software puts at the beneficiaries’ disposal the integrated software solution Human Resources Planning.

Thus, Panfoods Romania will have access to its own databases, located on Romanian Software servers, by the interfaces facilitating access in real time to personnel and salaries data, allowing the issuance of the addenda and termination decisions, as well as other necessary documents in the personnel administration activity.

Within the outsourcing services, Panfoods Romania benefits of the application “Time management”, through which the worked time is recorded and the vacation requests flow is tracked. The timesheet through which Panfoods Romania employees complete the number of hours worked has been configured in order to allow the distribution of time per cost center.

The time management application is integrated with the payroll calculation application, the data accessed by the two applications being on the same database. At the transfer of data from the time management application into the payroll computation application a series of validation rules being configured in compliance with the legislation in force and as well as company’s specificity.

We are thanking Panfoods for the trust they are showing us and we congratulate them for their choice!

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Software in Cloud pentru un HR inteligent

  • Salarizare: soft calcul salarii, Revisal automat
  • Pontaj electronic si gestiune concedii
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