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Three ways of social involvement with no costs

de | February 20, 2013

There are a lot of possibilities, uncounted needs and people whose lives we could change with small gestures there are, unfortunately, too many.

We notice around us more and more persons willing to help, to be involved and to make a difference. We do not believe this is a trend, or something that we aim, we believe that this is something that comes naturally from the inside, a chance that is being offered to us, and we say chance because it brings unimagined satisfaction.

We remember the persons in need usually during the holidays. We could do this more often and with no costs, and we can teach you at least 3 things that you can do if you are an employee, a freelancer, a business owner, no matter the business activity field.

Redirect 2% of your income tax to a non-profit entity promoting a cause that you believe in

If you obtain incomes from independent activities (freelancing, royalties), rental or agricultural activities, fill incomplete the 200 Declaration Form with your personal information and the entity’s information to whom you wish to redirect 2% of your income tax to (the name of the non-profit entity, fiscal code and IBAN code). You do not need the amount representing 2% of the income tax, the amount being calculated and completed by the fiscal authorities.

The form will be filled in with capital letters, in two copies, one for the tax payer and the other will be submitted to the Tax authority office. You can also send the original by courier with return receipt.

If you obtain salary incomes you will fill in the 230 Declaration Form with the same information above mentioned, in order to redirect 2% of the income tax.

The deadline for filing the 200 and 230 forms is May 25th, 2013 for the incomes obtained during the 2012 financial year.

To whom can you redirect 2% of your income tax? For starters, you need to think about what you wish to change, how you want to help, what you wish to support. The last years’ surveys show that one third of the Romanians chose to redirect 2% of the income tax towards churches, and to a lesser extent than for SMURD and other foundations. You can choose to sustain foundations promoting human rights, animal rights, education, and foundations fighting for awareness and remedies for incurable diseases, inclusion for persons with disability. Examples of such foundations are: UNICEF, AIESEC, SMURD, Salvați Copiii, Copii în dificultate, Crucea Roșie, Greenpeace, Caritas, Pro Democratia, Mereu aproape, Pro vita, Renasterea, Sensiblu, Touched Romania and more.

Grant sponsorship and private scholarships within 20% of the profit tax or 3% of the company’s turnover

If you run a successful business and at the end of the fiscal periods results from your books that you owe profit tax, then a part of the amount that you will pay at the state budget can be redirected as follows: sponsorship for non-profit entities, complying with the provisions of the Law no. 34/1994 regarding sponsorship, or as private scholarships for supporting educational projects, complying with the provisions of the Law no. 376/2004 regarding private scholarships.

Hire persons with disabilities or purchase goods or services from authorized protected units

If you detain or are a decision maker within a company with over 50 employees, you have the obligation, as per the article 78 from the Law 448/2006, to hire persons with disabilities – a number of 4% from the total number of employees. If you do not comply with this obligation, you have the alternative to pay a monthly amount representing the contribution to the disabilities fund, equal with half of minimum wage for each disable person that you should have hired, or purchase products or services from authorized protected units.

For example, a company with 200 employees is compelled to hire eight persons with disabilities. As alternative, the company will pay at the state budget the amount of RON 3,000 monthly or can purchase in the equivalent amount, products or services from authorized protected units.

The need of social-professional inclusion of a young person with disabilities is the same with the need to feel integrated of any of us, even more acute, however, if you cannot give this chance, there is something else you can do: offer support to this category through purchasing products or services performed by disable employees within authorized protected units.

The three possibilities detailed above are at hand, could be a step ahead for the social involvement of the business you are running, will attract partners with similar concerns, will build image and will especially reward the hope of certain persons. The social responsibility should exist apart of the fact that is capital of trust and on the long run will make the difference within an overcrowded market.

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